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We engage with oil, gas and mining companies to:

  • encourage them to minimise their environmental impacts
  • demonstrate the potential material risk of operating in sensitive areas
  • call for public disclosure of existing or intended activity within, or close to, natural World Heritage Sites
  • encourage companies and the wider sector to recognise and adopt 'no go’ and ‘no impact’ commitments as a minimum in World Heritage sites.

We engage with financial institutions

We engage with a range of financial institutions to improve environmental and social governance of funding and investment in the extractives sector. The incentive for financial institutions lies in reducing reputational and material risk as well as identifying investment opportunities.

For example, we:

  • produce evidence and analysis, for example, through our mapping and analysis tool - WWF-SIGHT. This forms the basis of policy advocacy reports, such as ‘Safeguarding Outstanding Natural Value
  • encourage financial institutions to engage as shareholders to challenge extractives companies to act in an environmentally and socially responsible way, causing the least possible damage  and recognising and adopting 'no go’ and ‘no impact’ commitments in World Heritage sites, as a minimum
  • help financial institutions influence the wider sector through strengthening the environmental and social governance criteria for investment in extractives operations
  • encourage them to disclose relevant environmental and social risk information and ask the companies they are invested in to do the same

Find out more on our engagement with investors

  • 'Safeguarding Outstanding Natural Value', our joint report with Aviva Investors and Investec Asset Management. This report focuses on the role of institutional investors in protecting natural World Heritage sites from extractive activity.
  • If you're interested in a summary of this report's recommendations for investors, you can read these here.
  • We've been developing a tool to help us map extractives activity and concessions as early as possible. This allows us to engage with investors early about alternative and sustainable land-use. Find out more about this tool here.