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Cold out, warm in

Improve your home insulation

Your Challenge

This month, set yourself the goal of improving your home insulation as much as you can.

Choose a challenge that is most realistic for you from one of the tips below:

  • Start small by checking for draughts around floorboards, doors and windows. You can put in temporary solutions such as draught excluders, which could be handmade or shop bought.
  • If your windows are draughty, consider installing thick, thermal curtains which can help block draughts, retain heat and supress sound.
  • Did you know soft furnishings help retain heat? For the colder months consider adding throws, blankets, rugs and cushions – which you can store in cupboards or under beds during the summer.
  • If doors and windows are the problem, consider planning larger projects such as replacing windows with double or triple glazed glass, or fitting new doors and frames. Bear in mind these are more costly solutions in the short term.
  • To see if heat is being lost from your roof, take a look next time it’s frosty or when it snows. If your roof is clear but your neighbours’ roofs are still covered in frost or snow, yours could be less efficient at retaining heat.

If you’re thinking of loft or cavity wall insulation, we recommend you follow advice from the Energy Saving Trust.

Why you're doing this

We all know how a draft makes us feel in an otherwise warm home. As heat rises, a quarter of heat can be lost through the roof of the average home.[1] Trapping the heat before it can escape will keep your home warmer for longer, reducing the need for central heating and saving on your energy bills!

How you'll make a difference

By blocking draughts through better home insulation, you will not only reduce the amount of energy needed to heat and cool your home, you will also reduce the demand for fossil fuels such as natural gas and oil, which are the primary sources of energy used in homes. This reduces emissions of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, which are a major contributor to global warming and climate change. By reducing your carbon footprint, you are doing your bit to protect the environment and saving money at the same time – a win-win.

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