UK nature depends on freshwater for survival. Our lakes, rivers and wetlands provide a home for thousands of precious species – and just like us, they all need water to survive. This crucial resource is under threat from both climate change and our own water use, which takes directly from the sources that our wildlife depends on.
Finish’s purpose is to save water and improve water quality, and WWF’s is to protect and restore nature. WWF is working with Finish to raise awareness of the importance of freshwater for UK nature and encourage everyone to reduce their water footprint so that more water is left in nature to help preserve and restore our wildlife and help to ensure that water supplies are secure for future generations.

Together, WWF and Finish are working together to replenish 500 million litres of freshwater in the UK through innovative on-the-ground projects in East Anglia.
Our partnership will support nature-based solutions including the construction of wetlands to improve water quality, as well as the creation of new ponds, the restoration of bogs and mires, and the reintroduction the burbot into a Norfolk river catchment, a fish which has been extinct in the UK since the mid-20th century.

Our partnership focuses on a campaign called the Journey of Water. Developed by WWF South Africa, the Journey of Water campaign is an initiative that inspires people so they understand the importance of their rivers, lakes and wetlands and recognise how crucial it is to reduce water use at home to protect these habitats.
In May 2023, we took a group of local primary school children on a Journey of Water walk in Norfolk. The educational event allowed the children to explore a newly constructed wetland, search for wildlife, and learn all about the importance of freshwater from WWF and local experts.
Find out more about the event and our Journey of Water campaign.

We can all make small changes to help reduce our impact on our planet. Finish and WWF have worked together to develop a water quiz to help you find out your water personality and get a personal water saving challenge. Take the quiz.
Why not also take a look at Water Heroes! The Journey of Water, a book that follows three young people as they explore nature and the importance of freshwater.
Want more action? Take a look at our top ten tips for saving water, or download My Footprint to calculate your carbon footprint and start taking challenges to reduce your impact on our planet.