Take part in The Big Winter Wander during 10th-23rd February by organising your very own 5k or 10k walk in your local area. Use our spotter sheets to seek out nature near you, feel a boost to your wellbeing from getting into the great outdoors and fundraise for our world.
Taking part couldn't be simpler, just follow the steps below!

Why take part?
Why take part?
What's included: Everyone who raises £30 will receive a WWF panda t-shirt, and when you hit your £100 target you’ll get our exclusive Big Winter Wander medal! Plus, anyone who raises over £250 will also get to claim a WWF backpack or leopard cuddly toy.
And remember, no matter how much you raise, time spent out in nature can help to lift your mood and reduce stress and anxiety. Taking the challenge with loved ones is a great way to support each other’s wellbeing.
How you’re helping: Our world needs help like never before. We’re destroying our forests, polluting our rivers and oceans, and causing devastating changes to the climate – and we’re seeing the effects on our own doorstep. Here in the UK, we’ve lost so much wildlife, we’re now one of the 10% most nature depleted countries in the world. But there is hope.
When you take part in the Big Winter Wander and fundraise £100, you’ll be helping us to protect and restore our world, keeping it safe for future generations.
Get all the fundraising tips you need here from our friends at JustGiving!
More information
Please find our frequently asked questions below:
What is the Big Winter Wander?
The Big Winter Wander is WWF’s annual sponsored walk. This year, we're asking everyone to pick a date to organise a 5k or 10k walk during 10th - 23rd February. When you raise £30 you'll receive a WWF t-shirt and when you hit the £100 target you'll receive our WWF eco medal at the end of the challenge! Together we can fundraise to help bring our world back to life.
How do I take part?
Taking part is simple! Just follow these simple steps.
1. Sign up here and create your fundraising page
2. Personalise your fundraising page to tell everyone why nature is important to you and share with friends and family
3. Choose a date between 10th-23rd February to organise your walk
4. Plan your 5k or 10k route
5. Raise £30 to claim your WWF t-shirt to walk in and when you hit the £100 target you can also claim your eco-medal! Plus, anyone who raises over £250 will also get to claim a WWF backpack or leopard cuddly toy.
6. Enjoy reconnecting with nature and share your pictures using #BigWinterWander
When is the Big Winter Wander?
The Big Winter Wander takes place during 10th - 23rd February 2025 and you can choose a date for your walk that suits you. Whether you complete your walk in one day or over a few days during the week, the choice is yours.
Does my walk have to be on one day?
Not at all. You can choose to complete all your kilometres in one go, or spread them over the 10th - 23rd February. As part of our fundraising resources we provide our digital tracker sheet so you can clock your kilometres too!
Does WWF provide me with anything to help organise my walk?
When you sign up you'll have access to all our fundraising resources. As well as all the information you need to organise your winter wander, we provide fundraising games to kickstart your fundraising, spotter sheets for your walk and even your own Big Winter Wander pencil to use with our spotter sheets! Plus, there's plenty more to download.
Can I sign up to the Big Winter Wander from overseas?
Yes, but we cannot send fundraising packs outside the UK. You’re welcome to complete our online form to register and use the downloadable version of our fundraising pack instead, which you’ll receive via email.
I can no longer take part in the Big Winter Wander. Do I need to cancel my registration?
No, you don’t need to cancel your place with us, but if you would like to stop receiving the Big Winter Wander emails please contact fundraising@wwf.org.uk so we can remove you from these.
I want to take part but I use a wheelchair/other mobility aid
Wheelchair users and other mobility aids users are very welcome to take part in The Big Winter Wander – please feel free to set a distance that suits you or alter the challenge. Some of our ideas include:
- Set yourself a reasonable challenge that’s suited to your abilities.
- If you’re going to go into nature, be sure to look up a route that is accessible to your needs.
- You could watch the nature you can see out of your window and make a log of everything or draw your favourite species.
- Take a picture of nature every day over the 2 weeks.
What if I have nowhere to organise a Big Winter Wander?
Nature can be everywhere, even in a city or area that feels bare. Look closely and you'll be amazed by what you can spot in even the most built-up urban environments - do you have any trees growing down your street or greenery poking through bricks? Alternatively, you could walk to a green space like a park near you or hop on a bus/train if you can. We have spotter sheets for all areas including coastal, forests and urban settings.
Can I take part as a team at work?
Absolutely! You can find our handy corporate toolkit on how to take part in Big Winter Wander at work here. Be sure to register for the challenge individually so you can all receive your fundraising rewards if you hit your targets. You can also set up a 'Team' page on Just Giving which links to your induvial fundraising pages, so you can fundraise as a team!
Can I take part at school?
You can absolutely take part as a school, but please note that you need to be over 16 to register for the challenge yourself.
We suggest a teacher registers and have your pupils donate to your Just Giving page, which can be branded for your school, for you all to fundraise together. If you need any further help, please email fundraising@wwf.org.uk
How much do I need to raise?
We’re asking everyone to raise £100 which will help us to continue protecting forests, oceans and species around the world for everyone to enjoy.
Raise £30 to claim your WWF t-shirt to walk in and when you hit the £100 target you can also claim your eco-medal! Plus, anyone who raises over £250 will also get to claim a WWF backpack or leopard cuddly toy.
How should I raise the £100 target?
The best way to hit your £100 target is to create a fundraising page. It’s easy to set up, quick for friends and family to make donations and great at keeping track of your total! You can create your fundraising page here.
Keep your fundraising page updated with pictures of your Big Winter Wander and share why nature is important to you, to encourage everyone to sponsor you and help you hit your target. Keep sharing your page and you'll start see those donations roll in!
What do WWF provide to help me with my walk and my fundraising?
When you sign up to organise a Big Winter Wander you'll have access to a range of resources. As well as all the information you need to organise your winter wander, we provide fundraising games to kickstart your fundraising, promotional posters to spread the work and even your own Big Winter Wander pencil to use with our spotter sheets! Plus, there's plenty more to download!
How do I receive the fundraising rewards?
To qualify for a reward, you must have raised the minimum target amount, as outlined below, by no later than 00:00hrs on 23rd March 2025 and completed our claim form(s). Late entries will not be considered. Rewards will be sent to your address (if the address we have for you is incorrect, you must contact us prior to sending the reward to change it). The fundraising targets and applicable rewards are as set out below and are cumulative (so, by way of example only, if your fundraising total is equal to or exceeds £250 you will be entitled to receive all the applicable rewards as set out below). WWF t-shirts will be posted weekly and WWF medals, cuddly toys and backpacks will be posted from w/c 24th February 2024. Fundraising rewards are available while stocks last. Fundraising totals do not include Gift Aid:
Fundraising Total Applicable Reward
£30: WWF unisex panda logo t-shirt
£100: WWF Big Winter Wander Medal
£250: WWF backpack or cuddly toy
How can I pay in any cash donations?
If you’ve got cash donations, you can pay the donations into your own bank account and make an online donation via your JustGiving fundraising page. Alternatively, you can choose from the following methods:
1. By using our online paying in form here
2. By enclosing a cheque made payable to WWF-UK with the form enclosed in your fundraising pack. You can use the freepost envelope included in your pack or return to: WWF Big Winter Wander, The Living Planet Centre, Brewery Road, Woking GU21 4LL
3. Call us on 01483 426333 to make payment via phone.
How will my donations be used?
All donations made from the Big Winter Wander will be used to fund WWF’s work around the world to help protect our amazing planet. If you would like to find out more about the work we do, please have a look on our website.
How do I claim my fundraising rewards?
When you hit your fundraising goals, you will be able to claim your rewards. Please email fundraising@wwf.org.uk to be sent the relevant claim forms.
You will receive the claim forms by email, please do get in touch if you do not receive them.

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