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Scottish bees are in decline

60% of wildlife has disappeared globally since the 1970’s. Bees are pollinators and play a critical role in healthy ecosystems, and are essential for our food production. We must help nature recover and thrive alongside us. Scotland needs an Environment Act to protect bees, alongside other wildlife and our precious natural world. Join the campaign to fight for Scottish nature and help protect it now.

Many bumblebee species are almost extinct

Bees are being affected by pesticide use, loss of habitat and climate change. Our food production and ecology relies on pollination by bees. Raise awareness with your friends and family about the importance of insects. 

Support bee habitats

You can easily help encourage bees into your own garden by restoring bees’ habitats. Why not keep a wildflower area in your garden or make a bee hotel for them to live in, find out more about how to do this here. 
