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The UK SEAS project

UK SEAS is a five-year, WWF-led project initially focusing on two case study areas - North Devon and the Outer Hebrides, and will share lessons across the UK and beyond.

The project is funded through a partnership between WWF and Sky Ocean Rescue.

About the UK SEAS project

The UK SEAS project is working to develop the right protection and management for our seas, to secure a future for important industries, communities and nature. 

Fun UK Seas map

Visit the UK SEAS project website to find out more about the work we're doing and to read our reports.

UK SEAS is a five year WWF-led project started in 2018 initially focussing on two case study areas – North Devon and the Outer Hebrides, and will share lessons across the UK and beyond.

The project is funded through a partnership between WWF and Sky Ocean Rescue


Get in touch

Twitter: @UKSEAS_project



What will we do?

  • We will work with the local communities of North Devon and the Outer Hebrides, to find new and creative ways for people and nature to thrive in MPAs.
  • We will take a fresh look at how we coordinate the management of MPAs. 
  • We will trial innovative ways of financing MPA management, to improve the health of our seas and benefit the economy.
  • We will inspire local communities to feel a sense of stewardship for the MPAs on their doorsteps and the amazing sea life within them.
  • We will share lessons and approaches developed in our case study areas across the UK and beyond.