Why we work on sustainable economic policy
Why we work on sustainable economic policy
Economic policies - used by governments to promote goals such as economic prosperity, businesses growth, financial stability, and employment - play a crucial role in influencing the way we all live and act and, hence, society’s overall impact on the planet.
But our economic systems are broken, fuelling lifestyles that are changing the climate and destroying nature faster than at any time in history, in turn putting at risk nature’s ability to provide the benefits on which our economies and future well-being will depend (such as clean air and water, productive soils, protection from flooding, and a stable climate).
As we recover from COVID-19, WWF is working with governments and other stakeholders to rebuild a new economy – one that is geared towards investment and job-creation in sustainable, nature-positive economic sectors, shifting the balance towards a future economy that works for people and planet.

Key areas of work
Key areas of work
We work with political leaders, government departments, regulators and advisory bodies, as well as others in business, finance and research, in order to help accelerate change in the most efficient and socially just way. Key areas of work include:
- Working with governments to identity and promote economic and financial system reforms to meet climate, environment and development goals;
- Developing the evidence base to help communicate the implications of nature-loss to economies, businesses and trade to help make the case for change.
- Helping to embed environment-related issues into economic, fiscal, budgetary and development decision making by government bodies;
- Identifying new policies, mechanisms and tools to help encourage governments and businesses to assess, manage and disclose their nature-related risks/impacts and take action to meet climate and nature-goals;
- Developing innovative financial mechanisms to help secure public and private investment in nature protection and recovery.
Toby Roxburgh, Head of Sustainable Economic Policy, WWF-UK
“Engaging government in the UK, and globally, is key to bringing about changes in economic policy that will benefit businesses, communities and nature. Thankfully we are seeing growing support for this agenda across the spectrum. We have a unique opportunity now to turn this momentum into action, focussing efforts where it will drive long-lasting change to support environmental, social and economic goals”